impromanga contributions.


THE UNSEEN HAND, pp 99-109

I've been kinda burned out on Impromanga for many months now.  Unseen Hand, which has been running amazingly well since my first part, was the only title that seemed able to inspire me to sign up and maybe come up with more than a couple of rushed pages.  Well, I actually had fun doing this part, even though it was mostly a talking-head-fest. ^^  Just a couple of long-winded cats and a airplane lavatory scene (don't ask me why, but I realize now I'd been waiting ages for the chance to write one of those  >:D).  And for the record, this is the first impro-type submission I've done that actually went over ten pages!  Huzzah.

BOT, pp 124-125

Bot is one of the most consistently well-written of the Impro series currently running.  So impressed was I that I was inspired to sign up.  Unfortunately, by the time my part had rolled around, the inspiration had left me; all I could cough up was this two page piece of 'eh'.  At least I managed to reintroduce my favorite character, Kataki.  Not to mention include visual references to Bone, Sandman, Grim Fandango and Akazukin ChaCha.  And draw a scythe.  Never forget that the scythe is your friend.

GILBERT, pp.25-34

You might notice that my Impromanga submissions have been in a bit of a slump since Pennywise, with perhaps the exception of Unseen Hand and this one.  I feel pretty good about this one.  Psi-Ko, the creator of this impro, said she named Gilbert after the character from Sandman, so when I introduced his brother, I named him after another character from Sandman.  Later on, Psi-Ko told me that it was the same name as her own brother.  Creepy.


A cute little alien with a monosyllabic catchphrase enters the lives of a couple of ordinary schoolkids.  I've lost track of how the story's been going since.

BIG BAT BOY, pp. 13-16

A funny animal Batman parody series.  I like Batman.  When I drew that penguin, I had the evil penguin from Wallace and Gromit in mind.  It's just occured to me that Big Bat Boy was dropped by the main Impromanga site, and not been picked up by Doji.  So that little thumbnail is all you'll ever see of my part. ^^;;  Maybe someday I'll fish out those files and upload them.  Maybe. 

THE UNSEEN HAND, cover, pp. 1-9

Yes, this is an impromanga I created; my contribution to the Impromanga Second Impact project.  I agonized for over a month over what story to submit; I came up with and discarded idea after idea after idea; I couldn't work on it for a while because I had to do my part for Veron-chan; finally, one week before the deadline, I just went for it.  The category is Mystery/Occult, which is just the sort of thing that floats my boat.  The thingy the main character wears around her neck is the Key to Hell from Sandman: Season of Mists.  The name Bellarmine is taken from a building in my school, which was named after a Jesuit missionary.  Sign up now.


I was kinda rushed in finishing this.  The lines came out kinda messy, and I didn't get to add as much detail as I would have liked.  But this is the first time I got to do the second part of an Impro, which is a pretty honorable position if you think about it. ^_^  "She Blinded Me With Science" is the title of a weird cheesy 80's song by I-don't-know-who.  Veron-chan having jets in her feet was meant to be a homage to Astroboy.


This one's pretty short...  I didn't have the energy to do any brain-blowing plot twists or anything, so I just made bongga with the CG effects and stuff.  I think this was probably my best impro submission in terms of art.  (Story-wise, it's still my QoC.) 

PENNYWISE,pp. 51-60

This was the first time I introduced new characters into an Impromanga (not counting bit characters like Mary Reilly's cameo in Mystical Childe, Tetsuya's sister in Queen of Clubs, Imelda Marcos in Controversial Jack, and Wormwood in Silent Darkness, who I basically just put in as a plot device, but other people started using him more... uh.  whatever.)  The Pennywise world seemed to be more technology-oriented, so I tried adding some mysticism into it as well.  Just the sort of thing I tend to do.


My brother tells me that this was one of the most bizarre things I've ever written.  Well, I guess that's what comes of watching too much Young Ones and Late Night with Conan O' Brien.  My biggest problem for this one was that I couldn't find any reference pictures of Imelda Marcos, so I had to draw her ridiculous hairdo from memory.  ^^;

QUEEN OF CLUBS,  pp.65-74

I think of this as the best impromanga part I've done so far.  I got several compliments for it.  The first 1.5 pages are a continuation from Mal's part.  Then, a little bonus feature, to lighten the mood a little before going on to the prevailing angst-fest that was my main feature.  Personally, I've always been rooting for Tetsuya over Hikari. 


One problem with Silent Darkness is that nearly every artist has his or her own interpretation of previous events in the story, sometimes even conflicting with another artist.  Nevertheless, I'd still have to say this is one of my favorites of the impromanga titles so far.  Huh?  Oh yeah, my part.  Well, nothing much to say, except: you know that bird?  I mostly copied him from various shots of Matthew the Raven in Sandman: The Kindly Ones. 


This was the first impromanga I contributed to.   I was hoping to steer the story dramatically away from the magical-fighting-tournament plotline to a magical-fighting-and-intrigue chase story.  I suppose I suceeded for a while; but after a couple of chapters they went back to the tournament.  Oh well, I'm not sad, I'm still a happy little elf.  An interesting little in-joke would be the appearance in the last two pages of Mary Reilly, Victorian England chambermaid extraodinaire.  ^_^

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